HAMster News Letter

From the Shack of N5XO

April Blog

With more people becoming immune to COVID due to having the disease or receiving the vaccination, the States are starting to open up and activities are slowly returning to what we might almost call normal.

For over 10 years the HAMsters held a monthly Meet & Greet Breakfast and swap meet, we are happy to announce that Starting in May, we will be making a return to our Monthly Meet & Greets as well as holding our parking lot swap meets.

I am extremely excited about this, it has been 14 months since our last get together, and we have had a lot of great new people locally join the group.

So be watching your e-mail and our face book page for news on the location, date and time.

We just released HAM Talk Episode #5, and the feedback on our shows has been nothing short of amazing, we have not only received some really positive feedback on what we are trying to do, but have also gotten numerous helpful constructive criticism that was very welcome.

Starting Episode #6, we will be moving more towards technical aspects of Station building for HF & VHF/UHF Stations, as well as how to articles and reviews on trouble shooting products, Tower Safety and product reviews.

So watch for some fantastic changes to the show in Episode #6.

To check out the first 5 shows -


The HAMster Group is active and growing, and with more local activity, we hope to really see a uptick in not only local on air activity, but UNCLUB activity as well.

HOPE YOU JOIN US, as we kick off our first Meet & Greet in a long time.